Enjoy music, how to choose entry-level headphones

Edit:adminTime:2018-12-17Browse: 873SmallBig


Headphones are more expensive than ordinary headphones, so they are usually chosen by music lovers or enthusiasts. However, with the popularity of headphones, more and more young people are looking for the best sound quality, so they choose to start wearing headphones. So, for Xiaobai, how to choose an entry-level headset?

一、 Selection according to wearing comfort

Headphones are larger and heavier than ordinary headphones, so comfort is very important for choosing headphones. There are many factors affecting wearing comfort, such as material, structure and so on.

1. Earmuff material

The first factor that affects the comfort of headphones is the material they are looking for. Some low-end products are mainly cost-effective, low price means low cost, earmuffs are made of artificial materials, so the softness, skin affinity and air permeability are poor. High quality products are more expensive.

It is commonly known as velvet down, is a similar type of weaving network structure, in comfort and breathability are very good. However, its disadvantage is that it is not easy to clean up after absorbing sweat, so its durability will decline a lot. The best material is genuine leather, fine and breathable, skin-friendly effect is also good. But the price is the most expensive.

2. Earphone structure

The second factor affecting comfort is the structure of headphones. The structure of headphones is generally a way for sellers to publicize, for example, portable headphones can be folded, high-quality headphones emphasize the material of headphone shell, etc. The weight of the headphone structure should be considered before the selection. For professional enthusiasts, headphone structure has a great impact on sound quality.

Selection Suggestion: The comfort of wearing is the primary factor affecting Xiaobai's purchase of entry-level headphones. For Xiaobai, the most important thing is the material of earmuffs. Generally speaking, the material cost performance ratio of choosing braided net structure will be higher. The leather material can be considered when the budget is adequate. The earphone structure is difficult for Xiaobai to choose, so it can be selected after audition.

二、Selection according to unit materials
Headphone is composed of two parts, signal transmitter and headphone with signal receiving and amplifying device. The different material of headphones means that the working principle of headphones is different. Generally speaking, headphones on the market can be divided into three working principles:

1. Moving iron earphone

Movable iron earphones are not new technologies. They were first used in telephone handsets and later in hearing aids. The inner voice coil of the moving iron earphone is wrapped around a piece of iron called a balanced armature in the center of a permanent magnetic field. This armature is actually a moving iron unit, and this armature drives the sound through the action of magnetic force.

Moving iron headphones are more efficient in vibration, so they respond quickly and play back details better. They are good at expressing the details and layers of sound. However, at present, the movable iron earphone is mainly used to make earphone, and the headphone will not use the principle of movable iron.

2. Moving coil headphones

Moving coil headphones are the most popular headphones on the market, and the prices are generally cheaper. The cost of the moving coil unit can be controlled very low. Its principle is similar to that of the ordinary speaker. The coil in the permanent magnetic field is connected with the diaphragm, and the coil drives the diaphragm to produce sound under the driving of the signal current.

3. Flat-panel headphones

The flat-panel principle is also called the isomagnetic principle. The driver of the flat-panel diaphragm earphone is similar to the reduced flat loudspeaker. It inserts the flat voice coil into the thin diaphragm. Like the printed circuit board, it can distribute the driving force equally. Flat-panel headphones are headphones, together with lightweight diaphragm quality, which makes the transient response speed agile. In terms of sound quality, big dynamic can bring people a shock experience just like playing on the spot.

4. Electrostatic headphones

The principle of electrostatic headphones is that the diaphragm is in a changing electric field. The diaphragm is very thin and can be accurate to micron level. It is polarized by high DC voltage. The electric energy needed for polarization is converted from AC to battery. Compared with movable coil headphones, electrostatic headphones have two great advantages: first, the diaphragm can be made very thin and very light, so the portability is better.

In addition, the electrostatic earphone can control the minimum point of the diaphragm much smaller than the movable coil earphone, so its response speed is fast. However, although the benefits of static headphones are many, but the core technology is only grasped in several companies, the price is relatively expensive, not suitable for small white start.

Selection Suggestion: The different materials of the sound unit of headphones determine the different working principles of headphones. For Xiaobai to buy entry-level headphones, moving-coil headphones are a good choice. In addition, flat-panel headphones can be tried, if the budget is adequate, static headphones are a good choice.

三、Selection according to the degree of openness
Different openness of headphones has a great impact on users'experience. Generally speaking, headphones can be divided into three types: open, semi-open and closed. The main difference between them is that the degree of sealing is different, and the different degree of opening determines the different use scenarios of headphones.
1. open style

The main feature of the open headphones is that there are many small holes outside the headphones. Generally speaking, the open headphones are natural in hearing, comfortable in wearing, and commonly used in home-appreciated HIFI headphones. However, its disadvantage is that the voice can be leaked, as well as the external voice can be heard. Earphones have less pressure on the ears.

2. closed

Closed headphones are the opposite of open ones. Earmuffs can cover all the ears. Earmuffs press the ears heavily to prevent the sound from entering and leaving. The sound is positioned correctly and clearly. This kind of closed headphones is very common in professional listening field. But one disadvantage of this kind of headphones is that they are not suitable for daily use because of the severe pressure on the ears.
3. Semi-open

Semi-open headphone is a kind of headphone between open headphone and closed headphone, which combines the advantages of two kinds of headphones. This kind of headset can set sound only in or out, and can adjust accordingly according to need. Semi-open headphones are ideal for commuting.

Selection Suggestion: For the white earphone, it is better to choose the open or semi-open earphone as the first entry-level headphone. The sound is more textural and real, which is suitable for use on the commute or at home.

Overall, headphones are the standard for music enthusiasts. With its increasing popularity, more and more young people like this kind of headphones. Starting with an entry-level headset, we can choose a favorite headset from the comfort, vocal unit materials and openness.
